How are sectioning tickets generated?

This article explains how sectioning tickets are generated after a related services referral is made by a school using the new referral process (effective February 15, 2024).

After a related services referral ticket in the Related Services Pipeline is closed with the status of "Therapist Assigned," this triggers a workflow automation which creates a new ticket in the Sectioning Pipeline and automatically assigns the ticket to a PVS Related Services Coordinator.  Using personalization tokens, the ticket contains key details related to the school, vendor, student, service, and therapist name.


RS Coordinator follows the steps below to process the sectioning ticket in HubSpot:

  1. Update the Sectioning Details.  If a school manages their own sectioning, the coordinator just needs to update the Section Associations Imported/Updated field by updating the association label between the Student/Company and Student/Contact.


2. Close the ticket by updating the ticket status and resolution.

3. Email notification is sent to All Contacts and those with Affectee label on the ticket with details related to the sectioning request.

For students who have a "Change in Status" related to withdrawal from school or removal of service from the IEP, a Sectioning Removal Request ticket is generated similar to the process above.