How can I create a log entry for evaluations?

This article will review how to use the new log options in the Pearson Online Classroom to document steps within the evaluation process.

Pearson Online Classroom's student log has been updated to include three new evaluation options within the Special Education category.  These should be used for both initial evaluations and re-evaluations.

  • Evaluation scheduled
  • Testing session held
  • Evaluation results mailed/sent

Tier IV providers (therapists) should navigate to Sections & Students > My Students and open their evaluation section.  Select the student's name and "Log" to create a log entry.  From the Student Log page, click "Create Log Entry" in the upper left corner.


Listed below are the components used to create a log entry to document the evaluation process.  Create a new log entry each time you complete one of these three steps in the evaluation process.

Evaluation Scheduled Log Entry

  • About: Student
  • System: Student
  • Location: School Location (Default)
  • Contact Date: Date and Time of Contact
  • Contact Type: Select the appropriate contact type used to communicate with the 
    student/caretaker to schedule, complete, or send evaluation information. All successful and attempted contacts and testing sessions must be logged. 
    • Phone Call- Successful
    • Phone Call- Left Message
    • Phone Call- Unsuccessful
    • Number Disconnected
  • Areas and Categories: Special  Education > Evaluation scheduled
  • Contactees: Student, Learning Coach, and/or Caretaker
  • Comments: Use this area to document the conversation.  Details may include the agreed upon date for testing.

Sample Log Entry to Schedule Evaluation: I contacted Olivia's CT to schedule her testing session for the re-evaluation.  We discussed the types of assessments to be conducted, the rating scale I would send to be completed prior to testing, and how to log in for virtual testing.  Testing session scheduled for this week on Thursday at 2 PM.evallog_scheduled

Testing Session Held Log Entry

  • About: Student
  • System: Student
  • Location: School Location (Default)
  • Contact Date: Date and Time of Contact
  • Contact Type: Select the appropriate contact type used to communicate with the 
    student/caretaker to schedule, complete, or send evaluation information. All successful and attempted contacts and testing sessions must be logged. 
    • Phone Call- Successful
    • Phone Call- Left Message
    • Phone Call- Unsuccessful
    • LiveLesson- Individual
    • LiveLesson- Did Not Attend
    • Face to Face
    • Face to Face-Did Not Attend
  • Areas and Categories: Special  Education > Testing Session Held
  • Contactees: Student, Learning Coach, and/or Caretaker
  • Comments: Use this area to document the conversation.  Details may include whether all assessments were completed within one session or if additional sessions were scheduled.

Sample Log Entry for Testing Session Held: Virtual assessment was conducted for Theo's re-evaluation.  We completed all sections within two hours, and Theo was cooperative throughout testing.  I spoke with CT briefly at the beginning and end of session.


Evaluation Results Mailed/Sent Log Entry

  • About: Student
  • System: Student
  • Location: School Location (Default)
  • Contact Date: Date and Time of Contact
  • Contact Type: Select the appropriate contact type used to communicate with the 
    student/caretaker to schedule, complete, or send evaluation information. All successful and attempted contacts and testing sessions must be logged.
    • Mail- Successful
    • Mail- Unsuccessful
    • Webmail Exchange
  • Areas and Categories: Special  Education > Evaluation results mailed/sent
  • Contactees: Student, Learning Coach, and/or Caretaker
  • Comments: Use this area to document when evaluation results are sent to the family.  If paperwork was mailed via certified mail, please note that within the comment of the log entry.

Sample Log Entry for Evaluation Results Mailed/Sent: Copy of psychologist's report sent to Eli's parents via mail.



New for 24-25 School Year: Special Education Data View (DV 96) now includes three new fields in the Evaluation Section which display dates of most recent log entries for evaluations.