How do I create a section log entry?

This article will explain how to create a section log entry in the Pearson Online Classroom.

Therapists will have a section of students assigned for each school in which they provide services.  If a therapist provides services at more than one school, they will have a separate section for each school location.  Likewise, a dually certified therapist who provides services in more than one related service area will have separate sections for each service area.

Therapy sections are considered to be "Unscheduled without Course," meaning that these are year-long sections that are not associated with a specific course.  If students are added to your therapy caseload during the school year, they will be added to your section.  Likewise, students who are exited from therapy or who withdraw from the school will have an "end date" for the section assignment.

If a group therapy session is provided per students' IEPs, you can create a Section Log Entry for the students who attended based on those assigned to your therapy section. Remember to make sure only to create the entry for the students who attended, and do not include personally identifiable information since a group log entry will display in multiple users’ logs.

To create a section log entry, select “Sections & Students” and click on the section for which you would like to create a log entry. Using the pop-up list, select “Create Log Entry.”


A log entry page will generate and allow you to create a log entry for the section. If not all 
students attended, remember to remove the names of students who did not attend and create a separate log entry for non-attendance. Since this is a group log entry, the same information will appear in each student’s log, so the log entry should be generic and not include personal information. This log entry should be a generic statement indicating attendance, length of session, and topics addressed. For examples, “Students attended a 30 minute virtual speech/language group."
