How do I create log entries?

This article will explain how therapists and evaluators can create log entries within the Pearson Online Classroom.

Therapists and evaluators have the ability to create both confidential and non-confidential log entries. They can view non-confidential entries made by themselves and others. However, they can only view confidential log entries made by themselves. 

Each Connections Academy student has a Student Log. Student Log entries are a fundamental tool for documenting special education and related services as well as student contacts. All log entries should be clear, detailed, objective, and timely. When creating a log entry, it is very important to choose the correct Areas and Categories. Your selections can help other staff members find specific details when searching a student’s log and are used to populate fields in certain Data Views and areas of the online classroom.

Any contact with a student, caretaker, or learning coach must be logged within the Student’s Log in the online classroom. Communicate with your assigned school's special education leader or related services coordinator regarding any specific details that are required for log entries.

First, use the bar at the top of the screen to navigate the online classroom. Select Sections & Students.


After selecting a section, select View Students. 


Click on a student’s name to open a menu list. 


Select “Log” to open the student’s log.


Once the Student Log is open, click on Create Log Entry at the top of the Student’s Log.


You must select a system in order to create the log note.  From the system dropdown menu, select Student.


Adjust the contact date and time if needed.


Select the Contact Type.  There are a variety of options available, but most common contact types for therapy sessions include LiveLesson - Individual or LiveLesson - Group.


Choose at least one Contactee.  For therapy sessions, this will typically be the student, but if a parent/guardian was present they may be selected also.


Next, open Areas and Categories.


Therapists will typically select Special Education to view a list of options related to therapy sessions and the IEP process.


For therapy sessions, select Related Services.  This category should be selected any time that therapy is provided or offered (even if student is a no show).


New for the 24-25 School Year are three new options related to evaluations: Evalution Scheduled, Testing Session Held, and Evaluation Results Mailed/Sent.  When evaluators create logs with these options, the date on which the log entry was made will pull into the Special Education Data View for improved tracking of the evaluation process.

Create a comment in the text box.  Discuss expectations for therapy session log entries with your school's special education leader.  At a minimum, the log entry for therapy sessions should include the time spent for therapy, whether or not student participated, and the type of service provided.  If the log note needs to be marked Confidential, select the Confidental checkbox.  This means that only users with access to Confidential logs will be able to view the entry.  


After the comment has been completed, select Save and Finish.
