What happens if a therapist resigns or goes on a leave of absence?

This article will explain how to notify PVS' Vendor Implementation Manager when a therapist/evaluator has resigned or gone on an extended leave of absence. This task should only be completed by designated vendor main contacts or vendor liaisons.

Complete the sectioning request form if a therapist/evaluator has resigned or gone on an extended leave of absence and needs to have their caseload to another therapist/evaluator at the company.

When you open the Sectioning Request form, your e-mail address will auto-populate if you have previously submitted this form.  Enter the following information:

  • Reason for section reassignment
  • Current Section Teacher (Therapist) Name
  • New Section Teacher (Therapist)
  • Type of Sectioning Request (new or existing section)


Next you will enter student IDs for those who need to be added or removed from a section. 

  • Students to be Added to section (use this if you need to have students added to a new or existing section)
  • Students to be Removed from section (use this if you need to have students removed from a section)

If you are requesting changes for multiple students, you MUST list the ID numbers one per line in the text field similar to the format in the screenshot below.  DO NOT include commas between ID numbers.


Ticket Naming Conventions

Tickets must have a name and description in order to be submitted.  Please use the following naming conventions for tickets:

Company Name_School Acronym_Service_Therapist Name

  • Example: Demo Company_MyCA_OT_Jen Teacher


Ticket Status Notifications

Once students have been sectioned and the ticket has been closed, you will receive an automatic e-mail notification. Like the one in the screenshot below.
