How do I pull a log report?

This article will explain how to pull log reports within the Pearson Online Classroom.

Log reports can be useful for Tier IV providers (therapists) if they wish to pull a report of all of their log entries for a student during a given period of time.  Log reports can be useful for Tier V providers (liaisons, main vendor contacts, main billing contacts) if they need to pull a report of services provided by a therapist for a specific student during a given period of time.  Components of log reports can be adjusted to search for a specific type of contact, such as only LiveLesson sessions attended, all contacts during a given time period, or only log entries recorded by one person.  You can also choose whether or not to include webmails in the report. External providers can pull log exports to easily view all contacts and attempted students for a student.  

After logging into the online classroom and opening a student's log, follow the steps below to generate a log report.

  1. Search By: Determine whether you wish to search by log entries and/or webmail messages.
  2. Contact Date: Search by all entries or choose a specific time period such as the current school year or the last 90 days.
  3. Recorder: Select “Me” to view all log notes that you have created for the student After searching, a list of log entries that meet the criteria you specific above will display for the student as demonstrated below.


After selecting search, a list of entries that meet the criteria selected will display at the bottom of the page.  You can export this list into an Excel file by selecting the "Export" button at the top right corner of the first log entry.
