How do I refer students for ESY?

This article will explain how school staff can refer eligible students for ESY related services for summer 2024.

Beginning in March 2024, the Evaluations and Related Services Request Form will display options to submit referrals for ESY related services.  If a student has qualified for ESY services for summer 2024, please submit one form for each area of related services that the student requires.  This means that if a student is eligible for ESY OT and ESY Counseling, you would submit two form submissions.  Similar to the current notification process, schools will receive email notifications throughout the process when a form has been submitted and when a therapist has been assigned.

For a detailed walk-through of how to fill out the form for related services referrals for ESY, please review the Scribe guide for How to Submit a Ticket for ESY Referrals.

  1. Fill out one entry per related services ESY area using the Evaluations and Related Services Requests Form.  Please follow directions for the "details" section of each related service area and include details related to setting, duration, sessions, and time frame.  For example, an OT referral for ESY could include details such as "Virtual OT ESY for 6 sessions at 60 min/session to be held between June 10 and August 15."


2. School receives a confirmation email that the ESY referral has been received.
3. Vendor Implementation Manager (VIM) sends the ESY referral to an approved vendor.
4. Vendors responds in the Customer Portal with the name of the therapist who will be assigned to the ESY referral.
5. VIM documents the assigned ESY therapist and closes the ticket using "ESY Therapist Assigned" status.
6. School and vendor contacts receive an email notification of the therapist who has been assigned.

7. Students are assigned to their ESY sections in the Pearson Online Classroom after the end of the school year.

All related service ESY referrals should be submitted by April 15th to allow adequate time to assign therapists.