How do related service areas and minutes travel from Ticket to Related Service Object to Student Object?

This article explains the process flow that syncs current related service areas and minutes with the corresponding Related Service and Student Object, as well as what steps need to be taken to ensure that data syncs consistently.

Related Services

When schools submit the Evaluations and Related Services Request Form, they are prompted to indicate that the request is related to a Therapy referral.  After selecting this response, conditional fields are displayed depending on the type of related service needed (ex: Occupational Therapy, Counseling, etc.).  Similar properties are displayed when schools indicate that they are submitting the form to document a Change in Status for related services.

Whenever a Related Services Ticket is created for a referral, a Related Services Object is also created as part of the workflow automation.  Similarly, Related Service Objects are created whenever a Change in Status Ticket is created to document withdrawal from school or removal of related services from the IEP.

A workflow automation "Copy Related Services Properties to Student Object" is scheduled to run every Monday at 5 PM EST.  This workflow copies related service properties (specifically the service type and minutes per month) to the associated student object.  Related Service Objects do not re-enroll in this workflow, so it is not on an infinite loop.  This means that if a Related Service Object is created for Virtual Occupational Therapy Services for 90 minutes/month, then on the following Monday at 5 PM, these properties will flow directly into the associated Student Object.  This preserves the Student Object as the "source of truth" for all current related services while also providing historical information related to any changes in related services via associated Related Service Objects.

In the screenshot below, a Related Services Object was generated for a student who requires 90 minutes/month Virtual Occupational Therapy services.  Association Labels were imported, so the Related Services Object is now tied to the appropriate Student Object 112233, allowing the occupational therapy properties to be copied from the Related Services Object into the associated Student Object.


Data Analyst assigned to these weekly imports should follow the steps below to ensure that Student Objects are appropriately associated with their Related Service objects from the last seven (7) days.  This task should be completed every Monday prior to 5 PM EST since the workflow automation triggers on Mondays at 5 PM.

After the workflow is triggered, the Student Objects will update by copying corresponding properties, similar to in the screenshot below.


  1. Data Analyst uses the Association Import Needed View for Related Service Objects to export the file of all new RS objects created in the last seven days.
  2. Data Analyst formats the file to include Record ID, Student ID, and Association Label.
    1. Consider keeping Related Service Object Names in the file when prepping for import so that you can determine which association label is needed.
  3. Data Analyst imports the file.

For a more comprehensive walk-through of the import process, please follow the Scribe guide linked below.

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