How to Log a Student Absence or No Show?

This article will explain what a therapist or evaluator needs to complete if a student is a "no show" or absent for a scheduled session.

For a more detailed guide of how to create a log entry for absences or no shows for therapy sessions, please view this Scribe for missed therapy sessions.

For a more detailed guide for how to create a log entry for missed evaluation sessions, please view this Scribe.

Therapists and evaluators are required to log all successful and attempted student contacts in the Pearson Online Classroom.  If a student misses a scheduled session or calls with a last minute cancellation, this must still be logged in the online classroom.  Follow the steps below to create this type of log entry.

  1. Click on Sections & Students
  2. Open your student's section
  3. Find the student by name and click on their name to view a list of options.
  4. Select "Log."
  5. Click "Create Log Entry"
  6. Include the following criteria in your log entry:
    1. About: Student Name
    2. System: Student
    3. Location: Enter the school location
    4. Section: Enter the section name
    5. Contact Type: Select "LiveLesson - Did Not Attend" or "LiveLesson - Did Not Attend (Required)"
    6. Contactees: Enter the student name and the caretaker (if applicable)
    7. Areas and Categories: Select "Special Education - Related Services"
  7. Click "Save and Finish"

If your session was scheduled to conduct an evaluation, please also select "Evaluation/re-evaluation documentation" in the Special Education Areas and Categories.

Once completed, your log note will look like this:


Consider including the following bullet points in your log entry if any of the scenarios listed below are applicable to the student's absence:

  • Cancellation less than 24 hours before session
  • Repeat offense (3 or more last minute cancellations)
  • No Show (student did not attend scheduled session without any notification or request to reschedule)
  • Current session has been rescheduled