How to track customer replies to tickets

This article will explain how to check on customer replies to tickets that utilize the Customer Portal.

Tickets are only visible within the Customer Portal if they meet both criteria:

  • Pipeline: Evaluations, Related Services, or Invoices
  • Contact: Person associated with the Ticket is registered for the Customer Portal

Registered users of the Customer Portal will continue to receive email notifications related to changes in ticket statuses, but they can also go into the Customer Portal to check the status of a ticket.  If a registered user needs to reply to a ticket from the Customer Portal (most commonly used by billing contacts to send a revised invoice or by vendor contacts to accept a referral and assign an evaluator), they need to log into the Customer Portal, open the ticket, and send a reply.  This reply is visible within the Ticket for HubSpot users, and it is also available to view within the Vendor Management Inbox within HubSpot.  Another easy way to check for recent replies is to view the Last Customer Reply Date property within the ticket as shown below.


Add the Evaluation Referrals View to your list of Ticket Views to easily view an exportable list of ticket properties and the tickets that they are tied to in the Evaluations Pipeline.  Sort the Last Customer Reply Date column to filter from oldest to newest reply.
