How To Update the Occupational Therapy Fields

This article will explain how to update the Occupational Therapy fields of the Special Education Vendor Management Data View and verify information imported by Pearson's Operations Team.

Check out the Scribe guide for How to Update the Vendor Management Data View for a more in-depth walk-through.

Occupational Therapists are responsible for maintaining Occupational Therapy fields in the Special Education Vendor Management Data View.  Pearson's Operations Team will import the following fields once a therapist is assigned:

  • Occupational Therapy Services
  • Related service minutes per month
  • Occupational Therapist ID Number
  • Vendor - Occupational Therapy Services (2023-2024)


After the information above has been imported, occupational therapists should review the fields for their assigned students and verify that the information is accurate. If necessary, please make changes.

How To Update Occupational Therapy Fields


  • OT Referral Status:
    • Referral Needed: School selects this to indicate that the service is on the IEP, but 
      student hasn’t been referred yet.
    • Referral Sent: School selects this to indicate that a referral has been sent to the 
    • Therapist Assigned: School or therapist updates this field to confirm that a 
      therapist has accepted this assignment.
    • First Session Held: Therapist updates this field to confirm that the student has had their first therapy session.
  • Date this service started (2023-2024): Therapist updates this field to indicate the date of the first successful therapy session that the student attended.  This should correspond with a log note using Areas and Categories: Special Education - Related Services.
  • Related Service Status:
    • Receiving Services: Therapist should update this field after the student has had their first therapy session.
    • WD: This field auto-populates when a student withdraws from a school. If you see this option selected, it typically means that the student withdrew from the school and re-enrolled.
    • Discharged: This field should be selected if the student is dismissed from a related service area or exited from an IEP.
    • Services Attempted but Not Attended: This field should be selected by the therapist if they are attempting to hold sessions with the student, but the student has never attended.  Be sure to fill out the no show form and notify the special education leader and/or case manager if the continues to occur more than once.
  • Date student was dismissed from this service (if applicable): If the student is dismissed 
    from a related service, the date of dismissal should be entered.