How will I know if my company has received a related services referral?

This article explains how vendor main contacts and vendor liaisons are notified of new related service referrals, how to indicate which therapist will accept the referral, and what to do if your company cannot take the referral.

After a related services referral is submitted, the vendor implementation manager will identify one or more vendors who have qualified providers to accept the evaluation and will add the vendor main contact/liaison to the ticket.  If you have been added to the ticket with an offer to accept a new related services referral, you will receive an email notification like the one in the screenshot below.


Log into the Customer Portal and open the ticket to add a comment indicating whether your company will accept this related services referral.

  • If your company accepts the referral, please specify the name of the therapist who will be assigned.
  • If you cannot accept the referral, please state this in the comment so that the Vendor Implementation Manager may refer the student to another vendor.


Open the ticket and add a comment with the name of the therapist to be assigned or indicate that your company cannot accept the related services request.  Send the message.


The Vendor Implementation Manager will review your comment and confirm the related services therapist assignment if you have accepted.  You will receive confirmation of therapist assignment via email notification like the screenshot below, and the ticket status will change to Therapist Assigned.  This message is also sent to the special education director who submitted the referral request.


After receiving confirmation of therapist assignment, please use your communication IA to communicate with the school regarding this referral.