What are confidential log entries?

This article will explain the purpose of confidential log entries in the Pearson Online Classroom, who can create them, and who can view them.

Each log entry that is created in the online classroom can be marked confidential if the user has the ability to create confidential log entries.  Confidential log entries can be created by therapists, evaluators, and other vendor contacts, but these users can only view their own confidential log entries and not confidential log entries created by others.  Creating a confidential log entry means that you will still be able to see the entry, but the only other people who will be able to view it are those who have the ability to view others' confidential log entries.  This is a role granted to certain school staff members such as special education directors.

A confidential log entry should be created if you need to include details that should not be visible to all staff members at the school.  If you need to include other information that should be visible to others, you can create a separate entry following the general log procedures, and include a generic comment such as, "30 minute therapy session held virtually with student.  Please see confidential log for more details."  This way, all teachers who work with the student can see that the sessions was held and student was present, but there is a confidential log entry with separate details that not all staff need to view.

As you can see in the screenshot below, the Confidential checkbox has been selected, meaning only staff with the ability to view others' confidential log notes will be able to view this log entry.
