What are Extended School Year (ESY) Services?

This article provides an overview of Extended School Year (ESY) services for related service providers.

Extended School Year services are programs and services that assist the student in 
working toward the same goals and objectives that the student works on during the 
school year. ESY services are only provided for those areas on the current IEP when the 
student has demonstrated a) regression of skills during an extended school break and b) 
limited ability to benefit from re-teaching of skills after an extended school break. 
  • Regression: Loss of previously attained skills documented by a review of the IEP goals, due to an extended school break.
  • Rate of Recoupment: Length of time required to re-learn skills following an extended school break. 
  • Regression and Recoupment: Some students have disabilities that are likely to continue- indefinitely or for a prolonged period.  In this situation, interruption of the student's educational programming may cause regression, when coupled with limited recoupment capacity.

Considerations for ESY

  • Risk of potential regression and recoupment of skills
    • Collect data on a goal by measuring a student's current ability through progress monitoring
    • Monitor how long it takes the student to recoup that skill/goal after breaks such as holidays within the school year cycle
  • Critical life skills
    • These are independent living skills that are not academic (ex: personal care)
  • Unique circumstances
    • Examples may include an extended hospitalization, significant illness/injury, or significant life events such as experiencing neglect

Remember that ESY is different from compensatory services, and ESY is used to address current IEP goals that are determined to be necessary for ESY, NOT to work on new goals that have not yet been addressed during the school year.