What are Features of the Student Planner?

This article will provide an overview of features of the Student Planner within the Pearson Online Classroom.

Each type of lesson (user-scheduled vs. fixed-schedule) and event within the Student Planner is color-coded. The lesson status is indicated, according to the legend:

  • Lesson Type is indicated by background color:
    • User-Scheduled lessons are pink
    • Fixed-Schedule lessons are orange
  • Lesson status is indicated by icons and boldness:
    • Incomplete lesson status is bold
    • Pending lesson status does not have a check mark
    • Completed lesson status has a check mark
  • Events are color-coded:
    • Personal events are purple
    • Credit-based events are green
    • Other events are yellow


Alongside any lesson with an assessment, Learning Coaches, Caretakers, and students see an icon that represents the type of assessment associated with that lesson. This helps students prepare and plan their time, especially for courses that have tests and Portfolio items.

With the exception of Discussion assessments, students must complete lessons and assessments in the order in which they appear in their courses. If the student has more than one lesson from the same course scheduled on the same day, the lessons will appear on the Planner in the order the student should complete them. If students attempt to submit an assessment before they have submitted assessments from previous lessons in that course, they will receive an error message.

Some lessons contain a number in parentheses after the name of the lesson. This number indicates the number of days allotted to complete the lesson, which will show up on the Planner for the number of days listed.


In addition to student Planners, every household in the online classroom also has a Planner. The Household Planner can be used to add family events such as vacations; all events on the Household Planner also appear on the individual Planner of each student in the household.