What are the Best Practices for IAs?

This article will explain the best practices for using Issue Aware (IA) tickets in the Pearson Online Classroom.

  • Stakeholders: Multiple stakeholders are included on Issue Aware tickets because the intent of the system is to collaborate, problem solve, support students, and address needs/concerns.
  • Comments: Comments added to IAs should be focused on a solution and supportive in nature. It is acceptable to document your questions and issues in this system.
    • By reporting your issue, you can help alert stakeholders to something that needs to be addressed.
    • Enter comments directly into the ticket to keep a record of ongoing discussion related to the issue and information.
    • When entering comments, consider the stakeholders. The IA may be used to provide a general student update but include a note such as, “Please see my note dated January 5th for more details."
  • Ownership: When a ticket is assigned to someone, do not change ownership of an IA without prior discussion with that individual. When you are made owner of a ticket, that means there is an action that you need to complete.
    • If the IA needs to be assigned to another “owner” but an action still needs to be addressed, add information in your comment such as, “Jen Teacher, please review Evelyn comment dated October 20th” before changing the owner.
    • When you are made owner of a ticket, that means there is an action that you need to take.
  • Replying: Do not reply to an IA via email since this violates procedures for protecting students’ Personally Identifiable Information (PII). Responding via email does not ensure that all stakeholders are aware of your comments and your concerns are no longer captured in the Issue Aware ticket.