What are ticket statuses for Evaluation Referrals?

This article will explain the purpose of each ticket status for evaluation referrals.

PVS Operations Team has adjusted the evaluation referral process to streamline evaluator assignments and improve communication methods.  Special education directors and their designated staff members will now submit the Evaluation Referral Form instead of entering information on the evaluation referral Google sheets.  Main contacts and vendor liaisons will be notified of new evaluation referral opportunities via evaluation tickets in the Customer Portal.  Throughout the referral and evaluator assignment process, main contacts/liaisons and special education directors will receive email notifications and also have the ability to check ticket statuses in the Customer Portal.

Here is a summary of ticket statuses for evaluation referrals:

  • Referral to Vendor Needed: The ticket status automatically updates to "Referral to Vendor Needed" when a form is submitted and a new ticket is created.
    • School's special ed contact will receive an email notification alert confirming that their ticket has been created.
  • Referral to Vendor Sent: Vendor Implementation Manager reviews the evaluation referral ticket and identifies one or more approved vendors who could accept the referral based on their approved providers.  
    • Vendor Main Contacts/Liaisons who are added to the ticket with an offer to accept the referral will receive an email notification alert asking them to check the Customer Portal and respond to the request.
  • Evaluator Assigned: After a vendor accepts the referral and adds a comment to the ticket within the Customer Portal with the name of the evaluator who will accept the assignment, the Vendor Implementation Manager will update the ticket with the name of the evaluator assigned and change the ticket status to Evaluator Assigned.
    • Vendor Main Contact/Liaison as well as school's special ed contact who are on the ticket will receive an email notification alert with the name of the evaluator who has accepted the assignment.
  • Change in Student's Status (Open): If a special education leader submits a ticket indicating a change in status (parent revoked consent or student withdrew from school during the evaluation process), a ticket is created and set to the Vendor Implementation Manager.
    • Special education leader or other designated school staff member is responsible for notifying the vendor main contact/liaison of this change.  Please follow your school's typical procedures for this; many schools use their vendor communication IAs to communicate these changes.
  • Change in Student's Status (Closed): Vendor Implementation Manager will review the ticket and close, confirming awareness that the student has withdrawn or parent revoked consent during the evaluation process.
  • LiveOT Evaluator Assigned (Closed): If your school is supported by LiveOT, the LiveOT supervisor will review the ticket, assign a LiveOT evaluator, and close the ticket.