What Fields Does Pearson Import into the Vendor Management Data View?

This article will introduce the Operations Team's new import service for the Special Education Vendor Management Data View.

For schools that contract with Pearson Virtual Schools for related services contract management, PVS now offers periodic imports of related service data into the Pearson Online Classroom.  This import service allows PVS to maintain data quality between two systems (HubSpot and the online classroom) and also reduces the workload for special education teachers and related service therapists who would need to manually update data for each student on their caseloads.

PVS has committed to the following timelines for back-to-school data imports:

  • August 28, 2023: Related services data imported for early start schools
  • September 5, 2023: Related services data imported for mid start schools
  • September 11, 2023: Related services data imported for late start schools

Data is only imported for students that meet all of the following criteria:

  • Student is currently enrolled in a PVS partner school
  • Student has an active IEP that includes related services
  • School contracts with PVS for related services management

These are the roles and responsibilities:

Service Area

Fields Imported by PVS

Fields Updated by Therapist or Teacher

Occupational Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy Services Type
  • Related service minute per month
  • Occupational Therapist ID Number
  • Vendor - Occupational Therapist (2023-2024)
  • Any fields in the column on left if there are changes during the school year
  • OT Referral Status
  • Date this service started (2023-2024)
  • OT Service Status
  • Date student was dismissed from this service (if applicable)
Other Services 1
  • Other Services Type
  • Related service minutes per month
  • Other Services 1 Therapist ID
  • Vendor - Other Services 1 (2023-2024)
  • Any fields in the column on left if there are changes during the school year
  • Other 1 Referral Status
  • Date this service started (2023-2024)
  • Related Service Status
  • Date student was dismissed from  this service (if applicable)
Other Services 2
  • Other Services Type
  • Related service minutes per month
  • Other Services 2 Therapist ID
  • Vendor - Other Services 2 (2023-2024)
  • Any fields in the column on left if there are changes during the school year
  • Other 2 Referral Status
  • Date this service started (2023-2024)
  • Related Service Status
  • Date student was dismissed from this service (if applicable)
Speech/Language Therapy
  • Speech and Language Services Type
  • Related service minutes per month
  • SLP ID (if not LiveSpeech)
  • Vendor - Speech/Language (2023-2024)
  • Any fields in the column on left if there are changes during the school year
  • S/L Referral Status
  • Date this service started (2023-2024)
  • Related Service Status
  • Date student was dismissed from this service (if applicable)


Occupational Therapy Imports

Below is a screenshot of the Occupational Therapy fields that are imported by PVS.

Data cannot be successfully imported until all four values are known: service type, minutes per month, vendor, and therapist assigned.  If one of these fields is missing (for example, a therapist has not been assigned) the import into the online classroom will fail.


Other Services 1 Imports

Below is a screenshot of the Other Services 1 fields that are imported by PVS.  Other Services are defined as the following:

  • Adaptive Physical Education (APE)
  • Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
  • Behavior Support
  • Counseling
  • Hearing
  • Nursing
  • Orientation & Mobility
  • Physical Therapy
  • Social Work
  • Vision
  • Other Service Not Listed

Data cannot be successfully imported until all four values are known: service type, minutes per month, vendor, and therapist assigned.  If one of these fields is missing (for example, a therapist has not been assigned) the import into the online classroom will fail.


Other Services 2 Imports

Below is a screenshot of the Other Services 2 fields that are imported by PVS.  This section of the data view is only used if a student has more than one of the services listed below; for example, student receives counseling and physical therapy services.  Other Services are defined as the following:

  • Adaptive Physical Education (APE)
  • Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
  • Behavior Support
  • Counseling
  • Hearing
  • Nursing
  • Orientation & Mobility
  • Physical Therapy
  • Social Work
  • Vision
  • Other Service Not Listed

Data cannot be successfully imported until all four values are known: service type, minutes per month, vendor, and therapist assigned.  If one of these fields is missing (for example, a therapist has not been assigned) the import into the online classroom will fail.


Speech/Language Therapy Imports

Below is a screenshot of the Speech/Language Therapy fields that are imported by PVS.  This information is only imported if a student receives face to face (in person) S/L therapy services or "other virtual" S/L therapy from a provider other than LiveSpeech.

Data cannot be successfully imported until all four values are known: service type, minutes per month, vendor, and therapist assigned.  If one of these fields is missing (for example, a therapist has not been assigned) the import into the online classroom will fail.
