What if a therapist's caseload needs to be reassigned?

This article explains what to do if a therapist's caseload needs to be reassigned.

Please note that this article pertains to what to do if a therapist needs to have a portion of their caseload reassigned but is still working for a vendor.  If a vendor has resigned, the Therapist/Evaluator Resignation Form should be completed so that their caseload can be reassigned and their POC account can be deactivated.

If a therapist needs to have all or a portion of their caseload reassigned but will still be working with a vendor, please complete the Caseload Reassignment Form.  This form prompts you to include the following information:

  • Therapist's name
  • Number of students on caseload who need to be reassigned
  • Minutes of students on caseload who need to be reassigned

If the therapist has less than 20 students to be reassigned, you will be prompted to enter their ID numbers and the minutes each student receives monthly.  If the therapist has more than 20 students on their caseload who need to be reassigned, you will be prompted to attached a file that lists all student IDs and monthly minutes.  This is requested to ensure that students are all moved out of the therapist's section and assigned to a new therapist.

After submitting the form, a caseload reassignment ticket is generated and sent to the Vendor Manager.  When the vendor manager reviews and closes the ticket, a therapy referral ticket is automatically generated so that the students can be sent out for reassignment.