What if my student is assigned to two sections?

This article will explain why a student may be assigned to two sections for the same service and what to do to fix it.

Occasionally, special education staff or therapists may find that a student is assigned to two sections for the same service; for example, the student is assigned to the same vendor for occupational therapy but has sections with two separate therapists.  This most often occurs if the student was transferred to another therapist's caseload by the therapist, but the prior section was not updated.

If you know that the student has moved to a new therapist, but they are currently still listed in both sections in the online classroom, please follow this Scribe that explains how to submit a Sectioning Request Form to remove a student from a duplicate section.

If a student is being added to a new section and needs to be removed from an existing section in the process, be sure to include details about the student ID and which teacher's section they should be removed from and which teacher's section they should be added to in order to prevent duplicates.