What is the Special Education Vendor Management Data View

This article will introduce the Special Education Vendor Management Data View and explain the purpose of accessing and maintaining information within this data view.

The Special Education Vendor Management Data View is designed for approved external providers. This data view allows therapists and evaluators to easily access key information about the student's services and IEP.  This data view is editable, so therapist can easily make updates to service minutes, therapist assignments, start dates, and service statuses as needed. Therapists can also view copies of students’ IEP documents and evaluations reports from this data view. Any changes made within the Vendor Management Data View will be reflected in the Special Education Data View. Therapists can continue to view the Special Education Data View in "read only" mode, but they will only be able to make changes to field within the Special Education Vendor Management Data View.

How to Access the Vendor Management Data View

  1. Log into the Pearson Online Classroom. 


2. Select Sections & Students from the Homepage.


3. Select a student’s name.


4. Select Data View from the list of options.

5. View the list of available data views and select Special Education Vendor Management 
Data View. 

You can click the star icon next to any data view if you want to make this a favorite data view which will always appear at the top of the list.


Sections of the Vendor Management Data View

Let's cover the six sections of the Vendor Management Data View.  We'll dive into how to update and maintain this information in a separate article.

Section Purpose
Basic Information This is a read-only section that pulls information about the student from other fields and data views.  It contains information about the family such as their phone number, webmail link, and email address as well as information specific to the IEP such as the student's disability, annual review target date, and anticipated re-evaluation date.
Occupational Therapy Services This section is used by OTs and contains information such as the OT service location, minutes provided per month, vendor/company who is providing services, therapist assigned, service status, and start date.
Other Services 1 This section is used most commonly by counselors, social workers, and physical therapists, but it is available to all related service therapists to document the service location, minutes provided per month, vendor/company who is providing services, therapist assigned, service status, and start date.
Other Services 2 This section is used most commonly by counselors, social workers, and physical therapists, but it is available to all related service therapists to document the service location, minutes provided per month, vendor/company who is providing services, therapist assigned, service status, and start date.
Speech/Language Therapy Services Students at Connections Academy schools who require speech/language therapy most often participate in LiveSpeech, so it is common to see LiveSpeech information here.  If a student receives face to face (in person) speech/language services, the therapist would use this section to document the service location, minutes provided per month, vendor/company who is providing services, therapist assigned, service status, and start date.
IEP Documentation This section is identical to the Special Education Data View.  It houses current and previous IEP documents, evaluation reports, and Section 504 documentation (if applicable).  Most often this information was uploaded by the school, but you may also see older documents that were provided by parents/guardians during the enrollment process.

Check with your school's special education leader to confirm if you will upload applicable documents (such as progress notes or evaluation reports) to the Vendor Management Data View or share via IA or webmail.  You should NOT delete IEP documents from the data view.

What Type of Student Information is Found in this Data View?

Everything in the Basic Information section of this data view is pulled directly from the Special Education Data View. This is the only section of the Vendor Management Data View that is read-only because these fields are maintained by school staff. The following information can be found in Basic Information:
  • Educational Management ID Number (formerly known as Connexus ID Number)
  • Current Grade Level
  • IEP Flag
  • Primary and Second Disability
  • Annual Review Target Date: If this is blank, it means that the case manager has not 
    entered the date of the most recent annual review.
  • Re-Evaluation Target Date: If this is blank, it means that the case manager has not 
    entered the date of the most recent evaluation date.
  • Case Manager Name
  • Caretakers/Learning Coaches
  • Link to Caretaker Webmail
  • Phone Numbers
  • Date of Birth


Notice in the screenshot below that there is a webmail link for the caretaker.  This is how you can easily send a webmail to the student's caretaker.