What is Webmail?

This article will provide an introduction to the use of Webmail in the Pearson Online Classroom.

WebMail is the secure electronic mail system within the online classroom that functions similarly to other mail systems but can only be accessed by users with a role assigned.  Approved therapists and evaluators can send webmails to students who are in their assigned sections as well as the caretaker/learning coach of those students.

WebMail is the secure electronic mail system within the online classroom that functions similarly to other mail systems but can only be accessed by users with a role assigned.


The large WebMail icon at the top of the user's home page indicates the number of unread 
messages.  In the screenshot below, the user has ten (10) unread messages.


Select the blue question mark from the top right corner of the WebMail page for instructions on using WebMail features.


After opening WebMail, select “Compose Message” to draft a new message.


A new message box will allow you to select recipients, add a subject, and enter the body of the message.


Therapists can generate a WebMail message to students and their caretaker/learning coach within the Section feature. Select a section in order to send a message to all or some students in the section.  In the screenshot below, you will notice that all students in a specific section have been added to the webmail recipients.  If you wish to remove a section from the list of recipients, click on the section name and select Remove Section.


After recipients have been selected, their names will be listed in the “To:” section of the draft message. Select “Show About Users” to see which users will have record of the message saved to their Student Log in the online classroom.


WebMail messages are automatically saved in a user's Log when their name appears in the 
"About" field. Enter the body of the message, any attachments (if applicable), and then send.
