What to do if a student with related services has a change in status?

This article will explain what to do if a student with related services withdraws from school, has a change in minutes, has services paused, or has services removed from the IEP.

For a more detailed walk-through, please review the Scribe guide for How to Document a Change in Related Services Status via Form.

Related services may change for one of the following reasons:

  • student withdraws from the school
  • service is removed from the IEP
  • service minutes are adjusted
  • services are temporarily paused

When this occurs, the school must submit a notification form to the Vendor Implementation Manager.  If the change is due to a removal of service, change in minutes, or pause in services, the assigned therapist is typically already aware of the change and involved in the recommendation.  If the change is due to withdrawal from school, the therapist may not yet be aware of this. 

Follow your school-specific procedures related to updating the Special Education Data View and informing the vendor/therapist.

After the change has been made, complete the steps below to fill out the related services request form.

  1. Update the form with your email address, student ID, and school name.
  2. Use the Type of Request field to indicate that you are filling out the form to document a Change in Student's Status.
  3. An additional field will appear which allows you to indicate why the change in status occurred (withdrawal, service removed, pause, or change in minutes).


4. Indicate the related services area impacted by this change.  Fields will appear for the area and minutes.  Make the relevant updates for the service area and minutes.  If the service was completely removed from the IEP, enter "0" (zero) for the number of minutes.


5. Include relevant details for the ticket name and description, then select "Submit."


6. You will receive a confirmation email with details of your submission.
