What types of log entries should I make?

This article will explain the most common areas and categories of Student Logs used by therapists and evaluators as well as how to select the appropriate category.

Two essential components of all log entries are the Contact Type and the Log Area/Category.  Without entering this information, you will not be able to save your log note in the Pearson Online Classroom.  There are a variety of log types, but here are a few most commonly used by therapists and evaluators:

  • LiveLesson - Individual
  • LiveLesson - Did Not Attend
  • Phone Call - Left Message
  • Phone Call - Successful

Remember that all attempts to contact a family, even if the contact was unsuccessful, should be logged in the online classroom.  There are also log options for a Comment/Observation as well as face to face (in person) sessions.


In order to successfully make a log entry, the area/category must also be selected.  After selecting the Special Education Area/Category, choose the appropriate select from the dropdown menu.  Here are the most commonly used Areas and Categories for related service providers:
  • Related Services: Use this option for scheduling/rescheduling sessions, providing sessions, or attempting to hold sessions even if student did not attend
  • Collaboration: Use this option if you meet with a special education teacher, caretaker, or other IEP team member to discuss strategies to support a student based on their needs and IEP goals
  • Eligibility/Evaluation Meeting: Use this option if you participated in a meeting to discuss evaluation or eligibility
  • IEP Meeting: use this option if you participated in any other type of IEP meeting, such as an annual review or amendment meeting
  • Progress on IEP Goals: Use this option if you are recording data from a therapy session related to the student's IEP goals.
  • Evaluation Scheduled: Use this option if you contacted a caretaker to schedule a testing session.
  • Testing Session Held: Use this option when you test a student as part of the evaluation process.
  • Evaluation Results Mailed/Sent: Use this option when evaluation results are sent to the family via mail or webmail.

Log Areas and Categories allow users to select more than one checkbox, so you can choose the one(s) that apply to each session.  As you can see in the screenshot above, both Related Services and Progress on IEP Goals have been selected.