When is state testing scheduled?

This article will provide current state testing schedule windows for Connections Academy schools that partner with Pearson Virtual Schools for related services management.

Connections Academy schools are now participating in the spring state testing window.  Please access the State Testing Schedule to view upcoming testing windows for schools that you support.  Here are several reminders for state testing:

  • Work with your schools' special education directors or related service coordinators to make a plan for adjusting therapy sessions if needed due to state testing.
    • Consider whether a session could be made up by temporarily adjusting the time of future sessions (for example, making up 30 minutes of lost time by holding the next three sessions for 40 minutes each).
    • Consider if it would be more appropriate to host the session on a different date for the same duration of time.
    • If a parent/guardian requests to cancel without rescheduling due to a state testing session, please document this request in the Student Log.
  • While sessions cannot be deleted from the Planner in the Pearson Online Classroom, you can adjust the title to state "Cancelled/Rescheduled Due to State Testing" or you can open the event and move it to a new date and time to reflect the adjusted schedule for state testing.