Where can I view all related service referrals?

This article explains how to use the new Power BI report for related services referrals which includes data from each form submission.

For a more detailed walk-through of the new Power BI report, please review the Scribe guide for How to Navigate Related Service Referrals in Power BI.


With the introduction of a new related services referral process, a new Power BI report has been released to allow school staff to easily track tickets and view details of each form submission.  This report includes the following data points:

  • Ticket Name
  • Create Date
  • Ticket Status
  • Student ID & Name
  • School Location
  • Type of Request
  • Change in Status (if applicable)
  • Therapy Type
  • Therapy Details
  • Close Date
  • Assigned Therapist
  • Assigned Vendor

Schools can also use the report to filter data by:

  • Ticket Create Date
  • Therapy Type
  • Ticket Status
  • Student ID
  • Assigned Therapist